Saturday 17 October 2009

Birthday Cake Ban Is Really Taking The Biscuit...

One thing that really caught my eye lately has been how the lack of traditional values is spreading across the youth culture. There are various stories which makes me wonder how on earth children are expected to succeed when parents are binge drinking and not disciplining them correctly to teach them the moral values which will put them on the right path in life.

I jotted down a couple of reasons why I thought the traditional values had disappeared.

The link to the article:

Looking at the article, I found it sad how a traditional value as such can be taken away from a little girl and her family for an absurd reason which totally contradicts the school.

Many children don't have a structured food intake on a daily basis. The parents nowadays use the excuse of not having the time to cook and produce fresh dinners due to their hectic lifestyle with work and social events. In the article the school insists that the birthday cake which was bought in didn't comply with the healthy eating rules are in place in many curriculum's.

"Sharing a cake with your friends on your birthday is a lovely tradition and for children to be told it falls foul of healthy eating rules is beyond belief..."

Its clear when looking in the papers and researching on the Internet that we are bound to rules and regulations. There are many boundaries that restrict us from going around our daily lives without feeling restricted and on edge. Like some of the other posts I found Internet forums useful -

'We do what we are told (usually) because we are brought up to do so and it becomes a habit'

Did you ever notice how much of what we do every day depends on habits?
The reason we depend so much on habits is that they require very little thinking, thus allowing us to concentrate our thoughts on other things...

With opinion that everything is very much restricted nowadays I thought the idea of an FBI/ Security figure showing his pass with a quote above would tie in well with the actual article and picture beside the to be constructed. I thought this would be quite a satirical match seeing as the trivial story being matched with stature of a beefy individual to 'spoil the fun' and light hearted traditional values among societies.

The sketch above shows how I'd like the final concept to appear. Ideally the Body/Security Guard would take up the majority of the image to portray the juvenile story in comparison to his size. Who would have thought that societies would have sucome to this, being surveyed before carrying on with a daily routine.

I managed to find a caricature/cartoon of an FBI/Security Guard which reminded me of the sort of imagery that I would find whilst looking in the paper.

'They assault, they kidnap, they kill, they are never held to account for their crimes against ordinary people... but there next challenge is curbing cakes!'

The next step was to add a caption above the image. I decided to take the words which were most related to this cartoon. -Our (community/ society) -Value (the values in which we are suppose to adapt and grow up with) Demoraliser - (to destroy and dishearten individual values/ morals)
'OUR VALUE DEMORALISER' - a strong statement but I think this sums up how many others feel. People gradually destroying traditional values for the sake of being considered PC.

Below is my final image which will be featured black and white into a paper. The original article was discovered in The Daily Express so I'd like to keep the article in tact. Although the image is small I think it fits quite well with the others aspects of the article, including the headline, the article itself and he other main feature picture. The cartoon that I have created would have been called or suggested as an 'Inset'.

Having created my final cartoon for the theme, I transferred it into the article in which I discovered.

Like the Gordon Brown cartoon I quite liked the idea of having the article as a whole much more retro and distinguished. I would achieve this with the use of altering the exposure and contrast. I think this will make the article more 'Matter of fact' and up to date...

I'm much happier with the final outcome. The deeper gradient means you get a much more defined and contrasted article. The whiteness of the cartoon now blends in with the rest of the article.

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