Saturday 17 October 2009

Battle Cry...

Its not uncommon to hear of our troops desire to be treated better. The recent statistics prove how hard the life out there is. With injured and dead affecting the troops mentally its only right that they receive the truth regarding their future.

Six Years, 179 Lives and £6.5 Billion later...

I personally still finding it mentally challenging to understand why people would risk life and limb to go at fight in Iraq when the support they get from people higher up in the chain is barely visable. You hear of half hearted remarks about 'wanting' to supply more troops and 'wanting' to supply more equipment but there's nothing materialistic to show for the words.

Not sure how Rooney or Beckham would like this fashion statment of full military 'clobber' whilst play
ing a 90 minute match... How commendable!

Below is a quick mind map to branch out some ideas that were connected with the theme I had in mind for the last Political Cartoon.

From the Brainstorm I thought that a good path to follow along the military route would be 'Trust'. You have to have a huge amount of trust, to know someones got your back and you'll be supported through and through, and recent reports have shown that that's got to go 'under the microscope'.

I made a few sketches to branch out my ideas, these are
shown below.

From the sketches I made, it was then possible to compile my cartoon. I mixed the media this time to see how well it worked, and even though it was a simple idea, I think this one happens to be my favourite, a collection of sketch, print and photocopied image presents a strong message. The message portrays... Let the troops hear the truth no matter how devastating it may be, bullets are destructive - True, but words can both shatter and heal. I think the message is clear enough to a viewer of a newspaper. If they deconstruct the cartoon as such then the pieces will fit together.

Lastly I featured this in to an article which I found in the Mirror which discussed an alarming story in which yet more innocent people have their lives taken, due to something that can be solved with critical thinking. I prefer the article within the newspaper as Grey-scale, although I have included the original scanned image for comparison. If the cartoon was to be left in its own, I would leave it as the colour image but in this context it doesn't work.

Out of all five political cartoons I think this is by far the most successful one. It comes across concise and to the point. Depending on the stature of viewer/ reader it is almost left up to them to use their judgment to make their 'article' about the cartoon and what the meaning behind it could be. In some ways I think this could be what makes Political Cartoons so interesting and also why there are so many contradicting stories.

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