Sunday 11 October 2009

Binge-drink On Your Pocket Money...

Looking back at my initial brainstorm of ideas, one that interested me was 'Social Morals'. This can entail an awful lot of material ranging from the effects of anorexia to the levels of binge drinking on our streets. I always tend to see shocking headlines but nothing is ever resolved. I never hear of a solution to, people getting mugged or vandalism to property, so peoples morals have in some what fallen. Although an eye-catching headline for the wrong reasons could be found across the internet as well as in the papers. Although written from different perspectives and different jargon, the article was identified in papers ranging from, The Metro > The Express > The Sun.

This cartoon I thought summed up a lot a social and political morals that can be found within our surroundings nowadays. The 'sketchy' form of cartoon creates an informal approach, one of which many will able to relate with. This sort of cartoon will most probably be found in a paper such as the Metro or The Sun.

I created a
quick sketch along with some notes to identify the problems and how I could tackle the topic...

Although I like the sketchy look, I don't think the message is fully portrayed.

At the time of creating the cartoon to- be, it could be pasted into the papers such as SUN, METRO due to existing 'sketchy' cartoons being traced from there.

I think for a first design it works well but it doesn't get the message across as well as I thought. I like the idea of montaging both image and word to create a stronger bond for a cartoon.

I moved on to obtaining cutting from newspapers and magazines to create...

The next step was to add the speech. My aim was to create a satirical twist on a theme that should be so horrific it should make parents think twice about what their children are up to...

Following this, I then cut and paste my cartoon into a real newspaper, the articles unfortunately don't exactly match up but you get the gist of how it could work.

Looking back on the article and how it worked (or didn't work) in the newspaper chosen I decided to realign the cartoon, maybe in another paper. The colouring is also an issue which has come to my attention. The actual image seems too bright for the newspaper, therefore this should also be altered in order for the cartoon to seem more realistic.

An alternative which thinks works better??

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